Monday, April 26, 2010

LightPainting session

Today I had some light paintings done. For the last few times, I used a torch and there were very few imaginative ways of painting. But today, I went to the hops to try and find some cellophane, but instead of finding cellophane, I found some glow sticks! They sounded fantastic. I remembered that previously I saw some other light painters and they made some really good pictures out of glow sticks. So, the I tried it out to see if it was really that good, or did they photoshop the whole thing. So I tired and honestly, the outcome didn't turn out exactly great. The light was soft, it was concentrated light. OMG, it was just a waste of time, effort and most importantly MONEY! They costed me $2 each! One green, orange and pink. But in some picture they did turn out pretty good. I mean as in not aiming for some perfect pictures, but juts swinging the glow stick in circles, doing some twists, yea, that's about how GOOD it can turn out. There are some pictures below to show how I went. These were the "not-so-bad" pictures.
Anyway, got to go now. Blog again sometime!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My very first artful photoshoot

Hey guys!
For once in my life, I have actually put art into my photo shoot of the day. This sort of means that I did a couple of shots of pictures without any people, and yet it turned out pretty good. That's so good because, I used to think art was a waste of time and I would die before I get famous. Well, I guess, as long as I'm not trying to make money out of non-human pictures, then I'm fine.

Anyway, I hope I soon know how to add pictures to blogs. That's going to happen sooner or later, I guess and hope.
Bye for now!~